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Preparing Children and Youth for Adoption or Other Family Permanency

Children leaving out-of-home care for adoption orother family permanency require preparation and support to help them understand the past events in their lives and to process feelings connected to their experiences of abuse and neglect, separation, loss, rejection, and abandonment.

This bulletin discusses services for children and youth to address their readiness and preparation for permanent relationships. The bulletin examines what has previously been considered adequate preparation as well as current practices and those in development to more effectively ensure that children and youth are better prepared for permanent family relationships, including both legal and relational permanency (permanent relationships with caring adults).

Inside you will find: 

  • Evolution of preparation for permanency
  • Promising practices for preparing children and youth for permanency
  • Promising programs
  • Conclusion
  • References

To view the complete bulletin, click on the links below!

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Fostering Success Michigan is a program of Educate Tomorrow that aims to increase access and success in higher education and post-college careers for youth with experience in foster care. Learn how you can contribute to building a holistic network that insulates (i.e., strengthens protective factors and reduces risks) the education to career "pipeline." 

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